Lauri Barge, DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

4 Things Your Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth to Protect Their Teeth

August 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 2:41 pm
Female dentist smiling while sitting next to patient in treatment chair

In one moment, an accident can happen, resulting in a serious dental injury and same-day visit to your emergency dentist’s office. The entire experience can be stressful, which is why you naturally want to protect your smile at all costs. That starts with a solid at-home oral hygiene routine and extends to biannual checkups and cleanings, but is there anything else you can do? Turns out, there is! Here are four things your dentist never puts in their mouth (and that you shouldn’t either).


4 Reasons Your Dentist Takes Your Blood Pressure

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 3:01 pm
Young woman smiling in dentist chair up at dentist

On the surface, a blood pressure screening seems like it has nothing to do with your teeth or oral health. You might be thinking, “Why does my dentist have to take my blood pressure?” as you’re sitting in the dental chair waiting for your doctor. You already get your blood pressure checked during your annual physical, and this isn’t a medical clinic, it’s a dentist’s office. However, having your blood pressure taken is an essential component of every appointment. Here are 4 reasons your dentist takes your blood pressure.


What Happens If You Lose Your Invisalign Aligner? Here’s the Answer!

June 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 5:58 pm
Man looking concerned while looking at phone

One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is that there are very little rules outside of meeting the 20-22 hour-a-day wear time and taking good care of your trays so you don’t misplace them. But what happens if you accidentally lose your Invisalign aligner? Is this an orthodontic emergency? Should you move onto the next tray in the series? Here’s the answer.


Calcium: A Key Nutrient for a Healthy Smile

May 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 8:41 pm
Chalkboard reading “Calcium” surrounded by foods high in calcium

There are many steps you must take if you want to be able to protect your teeth for life. In addition to keeping them clean by brushing and flossing every day, you also need to eat the right kinds of foods to keep them healthy. And when it comes to maintaining strong teeth, there’s one nutrient in particular that you should make sure that you’re getting plenty of: calcium.


Can Bad Teeth Run in the Family?

April 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 2:46 am
person with bad teeth covering their mouth

Have you ever wondered if dental problems can be inherited? The link between genetics and oral health has been a subject of interest for many researchers. It turns out that your pearly whites may indeed have a genetic component. While oral hygiene habits and environmental factors play significant roles, studies suggest that certain dental issues can run in the family. Keep reading as we explore the fascinating relationship between genetics and imperfect teeth, shedding light on how your family history may impact your oral health.


The 4 Most Notable Health Benefits of Smiling

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 4:55 pm
a patient pointing toward their healthy smile

When you’re walking down the street, your smile is often the very first feature that strangers will notice—which is part of why there’s been a recent surge in the popularity of cosmetic dentistry! But while it’s true that a bright and white smile will capture the gaze of those around you, did you know that smiling also unlocks several notable health benefits that contribute toward your overall wellness? Here’s more from your dentist about four of these unique advantages.


Why Choose a Cosmetic Dentist?

February 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 5:31 pm

Smiling woman in dentist’s chairIf you’re ready to love the smile you see in the mirror, your first step is to find a dentist to revamp your pearly whites. Although you’ll find many reputable dentists, not all have undergone advanced training in aesthetic services. Here’s why you should consider investing in a cosmetic dentist instead of going to a general practice.


A Guide to the Most Common Oral Health Problems

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 7:41 pm
Someone holding their cheek in pain

You use your teeth all day, every day. Whether you’re talking, laughing, eating, smiling, or even just holding your jaw at rest, your teeth are supporting everything you do.

That said, how much do you really know about them? Millions of Americans are dealing with oral health problems, and many of them aren’t even aware. Considering how important your teeth are, it’s a good idea to know what sort of conditions you might have to deal with.

In that spirit, here’s a guide to some of the most common oral health problems, and what you can do to prevent them.


Can Gum Disease Affect Your Mental Health?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 1:44 am
worried man

Mental health awareness is on the rise. More and more people are taking charge of their emotional and mental wellness by making positive changes in their lives and seeking professional care when necessary. But did you know that your oral health can also have a bearing on your mental health? Research suggests that gum disease may increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and other indicators of poor mental well-being. Learn more about this connection from your dentist in Flower Mound.


Does the Keto Diet Help or Harm Your Oral Health?

November 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 6:22 am
an assortment of foods in Flower Mound

Among the many popular trends and fads these days, the keto diet is among the most well-known. This low carb, high fat diet is something that many people swear by—but while it might be effective for losing weight, did you know it can also impact your oral health in various ways? Here’s more from your dentist in Flower Mound about this diet and how it can influence your smile!

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