What Are Some Common Cosmetic Dental Issues and How Can They Be Solved?

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 10:43 pm
Pretty teeth

A beautiful smile can be an amazing asset in both the social and professional worlds. People who smile generously are seen as more friendly, confident, and approachable, which can make it much easier to close a sale or make new friends at a party. Unfortunately, many people are shy about showing off their smiles because of certain cosmetic issues. The good news is that your dentist can provide you with a variety of cosmetic treatments to help you achieve a more ideal smile. Here are a few ways your dentist can help your smile become more beautiful.

If Dental Discoloration Is Frightening, Try Teeth Whitening

Over many years of use, teeth can begin to develop stains and discoloration due to eating or drinking items that are high in pigments and dyes. A few common culprits include berries, colored candies, sports drinks, red wine, coffee, and tea. Fortunately, your dentist can provide you with teeth whitening services with results far superior to those of any store-bought whitening product. These treatments can come in the form of in-office procedures or take-home kits.

For an in-office procedure, your dentist will place barriers in your mouth to protect your soft tissues before applying a few coats of whitening agent to your teeth. They will then treat your teeth with a special UV light that will stimulate the bleaching effect. The whole process takes about one hour.

A take-home whitening kit from your dentist will include customized dental trays and a tube of professional-grade whitening gel. You’ll just have to apply the gel to the trays and wear them for about an hour every day for two weeks.

In either case, you may experience some temporary sensitivity in your teeth for a few days after treatment. Professional dental whitening can make your teeth up to ten shades whiter.

Porcelain Veneers Can Make Flawed Teeth Bright and Clear

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that can cover up flaws, fill gaps, or realign a smile without orthodontic treatments. Many people deal with teeth that are extensively cracked, chipped, stained, or misshapen. Fortunately, porcelain veneers can transform a smile into a beautiful new state in as few as two appointments.

During the first visit, your dentist will shave a tiny amount of enamel from your teeth before taking impressions of them and placing temporary veneers upon them. Your new veneers will be manufactured, and when they are done, you will come in for your second appointment. Then, your dentist will cement your permanent veneers into place, creating a beautiful new smile. With proper care, your veneers can last up to twenty years before needing replacement.

The flaws in your teeth don’t have to hold you back. With cosmetic dental treatments and proper oral hygiene, you can enjoy a lifetime with a beautiful smile.

About the Author

Dr. Lauri Barge earned her dental doctorate at Texas A&M College of Dentistry before undergoing a General Practice Residency program at Olin E. Teague VA Hospital in Temple, TX. She is proud to hold memberships in the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and the Academy of General Dentistry. Her office in Flower Mound, TX offers general, restorative, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry such as veneers and teeth whitening treatments. For more information on what cosmetic dentistry can do for you, contact the office online or dial (972) 539-3800.