A Guide to the Most Common Oral Health Problems

February 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 7:41 pm
Someone holding their cheek in pain

You use your teeth all day, every day. Whether you’re talking, laughing, eating, smiling, or even just holding your jaw at rest, your teeth are supporting everything you do.

That said, how much do you really know about them? Millions of Americans are dealing with oral health problems, and many of them aren’t even aware. Considering how important your teeth are, it’s a good idea to know what sort of conditions you might have to deal with.

In that spirit, here’s a guide to some of the most common oral health problems, and what you can do to prevent them.

Tooth Decay

It may surprise you to hear that tooth decay is the most common chronic health condition among children and adults in the U.S. It’s also estimated by the CDC that one-quarter of adults have an untreated cavity.

Tooth decay is a byproduct of the bacteria that naturally occur in the mouth. These bacteria consume sugars and secrete acids. After a while, these acids can corrode the teeth. If you want to prevent tooth decay, you can deprive these bacteria of food by brushing thoroughly after meals.

Gum Disease

It’s estimated that 50% of adults in the U.S. have some form of gum disease. This condition can be so mild initially that you might not even know you have it; however, in advanced cases, it can attack the jawbone and cause tooth loss.

Gum disease is the result of bacteria formations (plaque) that have seeped under the gumline. That’s why it’s so important to floss along with brushing. Otherwise, plaque formations in between the teeth can result in oral infection.

Oral Cancer

In 2016, there were almost 45,000 new cases of oral cancer in the United States. Given the severity of the condition, that’s an incredibly high number. Oral cancer can be treated, but the best thing to do is to avoid the things that can cause it.

Tobacco use is the largest contributor to oral cancer risk; even smokeless tobacco can be dangerous. Excessive alcohol use is also a significant risk factor for oral cancer.

Now that you understand these oral health problems, you’ll be much better equipped to deal with them. Reprioritize your oral hygiene, and you’ll be able to avoid these issues with no problems!

About the Author

Dr. Lauri Barge is a dentist who wants to offer her patients the same level of care that she’d offer to her own family/ She’s assisted by a wonderful dental team that shares her same commitment to helping people. Dr. Barge got her doctorate from the Texas A&M College of Dentistry and continues her education at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute.

If you have any questions about the most common oral health conditions, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (972) 539-3800.