Can Gum Disease Affect Your Mental Health?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 1:44 am
worried man

Mental health awareness is on the rise. More and more people are taking charge of their emotional and mental wellness by making positive changes in their lives and seeking professional care when necessary. But did you know that your oral health can also have a bearing on your mental health? Research suggests that gum disease may increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and other indicators of poor mental well-being. Learn more about this connection from your dentist in Flower Mound.

What Does the Research Say?

A study published in 2021 examined records from more than 64,000 patients, all of whom had been diagnosed with either gingivitis (early stage of gum disease) or periodontitis (advanced stage).

The study uncovered a significant correlation between gum disease and several other health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and cardiometabolic diseases. Surprisingly, the research also indicated a 37 percent increased risk of mental ill-health. The term “mental ill-health” includes conditions like anxiety, depression, and other serious problems that affect mental well-being.

Why Are Gum Disease and Mental Health Connected?

The aforementioned study was not specifically focused on the link between mental health and gum disease, so it did not attempt to delve into the reasons why they are connected. One possible reason for the connection has to do with how gum disease can affect overall quality of life. For example, it can limit food choices and cause bad breath, both of which may have adverse effects on a person’s social life. It can also cause continual pain and even lead to tooth loss.

Managing Your Oral Health

Gum disease is extremely common in the U.S., with approximately half of adults suffering from some form of it. If you believe that your gums are not as healthy as they should be, you should take prompt action to get them on the road to recovery. You can start by consulting with a periodontist which is a dentist who specializes in gum health. After they examine your mouth, they will be able to recommend your next steps. They might advise you to:

  • Adapt your oral hygiene routine. For example, you may need to brush and floss more often, change the products that you use, or alter the techniques that you use to clean your mouth.
  • Undergo gum disease therapy. Depending on the severity of your gum disease, you may need a fairly conservative treatment, such as a deep cleaning of the mouth. However, it is also possible that surgical intervention will be required.

Gum disease treatment is not a magic cure for mental health problems, but many patients do enjoy a brighter outlook on life after they are free of this ailment. That might be true of you as well!

About the Author

Dr. Lauri Barge earned her dental doctorate from Texas A&M, and she is a member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. She has studied complex restorative and aesthetic cases at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute. If you seek gum disease treatment, she offers scaling and root planing, as well as Periogard antibiotic therapy. Schedule an appointment on her website or call (972) 539-3800.