How Exercise Can Impact Oral Health

September 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — flowermounds @ 10:15 am
portrait of a smiling runner

Anyone who’s ever worked out consistently is well aware that fitness has a season. Gyms start filling up at the start of the year, or maybe around the start of summer as people get ready to hit the beach.

However, there’s no wrong time of year to start getting in shape. If you’ve been considering starting a workout routine, now is as good a time as any to begin.

That said, for the sake of your oral health, you should probably consider a few things before you hit the gym. Here are a few ways that getting into shape could start to affect your smile, and what you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen.

The Dangers Of Sugary Sports Drinks

While nobody really wants to admit it, branding is effective. Water will be just fine for keeping you hydrated, but something about sports drinks is really tempting when you’re exhausted. However, the unfortunate fact is that most of these drinks are packed full of sugar. Moreover, many of them contain food colorings that can discolor your smile over time.

If you want to protect your smile while working out, the best thing to do is to stick to water. If you do find yourself drinking a sports drink to recharge, be sure to brush thoroughly when you’ve finished.

Panting and Dry Mouth

When you really start to get going during a workout, it’s unlikely that you’ll be breathing through your nose. Mouth breathing long-term can potentially cause saliva to dry up, posing problems for your oral health.

Saliva is instrumental in breaking down food and moving it out of the mouth, and a dearth of it may lead to gum disease or other oral health problems. The only remedy for this is to stay thoroughly hydrated.

Keep Up With Your Diet

Dieting is an important part of your health overall, but if your main goal is to lose weight, you may accidentally wind up eating some foods that might not be ideal for your oral health. While they’re relatively healthy, going crazy with fruits may be pretty bad for your teeth.

Make sure to incorporate healthy foods rich in both calcium and vitamin D in order to have a well-rounded diet.

About the Author

Dr. Lauri Barge is an incredible dentist in her own right, but she also knows that excellent oral healthcare is fundamentally a team effort. That’s why she feels privileged to work alongside an experienced dental team to help every patient she sees get the smile that they’ve always wanted. Dr. Barge received her dental degree from the Texas A&M College of Dentistry. She is a charter member of the local Seattle Study Club, a community of dentists that work together to develop their clinical knowledge.

If you have any questions about how best to maintain your oral and physical health, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (972) 539-3800.